Saturday, August 9, 2014

Two Night Stand

I have a lot of one night stands. A little more than two years ago is when I had my first one night stand. The first one was to prove to myself that despite being broken up with by the only guy I'd ever been with I could still find someone who would want me, even if its just for a night. I know this is simple minded dumb-girl logic, but I also feel like it was part of the break up process. Being me, I ended up taking it way to far. I'm a slut by all definitions of the word. I have drunkenly slept with a lot of dudes. The closest I got to sober sex was morning after go-rounds, and let's face it, hung-over sex isn't exactly sober sex, its clumsy and sloppy and yeah, ok, I kind of like it a lot, but there is something to be said for being clear headed during sex.

When in Hong Kong I slept with people on holiday mostly. There's something about my brand of crazy that seems appealing to dudes on vacation. I'm their crazy one night stand story, but they are all my stories, my life is a collection of crazy one night stand stories. Still there would be the occasional night when I would run into multiple dudes I had banged, which is kind of a shitty feeling. But I console myself with the fact that my stories are almost always funny, and I feel that gives my poor choices a redeeming quality that makes them ok.  

When the new year came, and I may or may not have been rufeed, and I may or may not have slept with some guy, if I could remember I would give more details, I chose to make some changes. I did set a goal of not sleeping with anyone unless I knew their name, so far so good on that one. I don't want to cut out one night stands altogether, because I think they are fun and I like meeting someone new and acting on impulses and living in the moment. Even so, it is probably time for me to slow down, which was easy for me to do coming to Alaska. A lot of people come here and start drinking a lot. I've slowed my drinking down considerably. Before I came here I had only slept with one guy this year, and I did get his name. There isn't really anyone here I wanted to sleep with, so I was prepared to go the whole summer season with out incident. But, hey, its of course I ended up sleeping with someone, which leads me to the point of this post (sorry for the long heart-felt exposition, it can't always be funny little cartoons).
The first week or so up here I was working out in the gym, there was a really attractive guy working out also. This employee gym is especially small and dank, there isn't much to look at, and I guess you aren't supposed to admit this, but I just stare at other people when I'm at the gym. Its kind of boring there, and its not like there is a lot to look at, so yeah, if you are in a gym and I'm there I'm going to oogle you, get over it. I was eyeing this guy hard, and I thought he may have been eyeing back, but I was also sweating profusely and who can see properly through all that. When he left I thought he said something like see you around, but my headphones were in, so I wasn't completely sure about that either, and I still had a mile to go, and I don't care how attractive you are, workout comes first.

The first month of work went by and I didn't really see this guy, i'm short-sighted with these things, so I kind of forgot he existed. Until, I worked late one night and missed my dinner break so I got “fourth meal” which is a voucher for a late night meal that you can cash in at the employee bar. I went over there to do just that, when who comes in and sits down beside me? The guy from the gym. He buys me a beer we get to chatting. He is from Serbia, so I tell him I just went there in February. He asks for my number and I have to explain I don't have one, but he can email me, he makes a joke about even his 80 year old grandma has a phone, but takes me email just the same, and we make loose plans to see each other the next evening since we both have the following day off.

The next night rolls around, and work is over, so I should be going to meet this guy at the employee bar, but its the employee bar, and I don't really want to go over there alone, and I have anxiety that he won't show up and I'll just be sitting alone looking weird, plus I'm really tired, so I kind of bitch out. He emails and asks where I am, I tell him I'm so sleepy. He says he really wanted to see me tonight and kiss me. I hem and haw over what to say, and end up giving him my room number. I tell myself I will just make out with him if he ends up coming over. He does come over. I do more than make out.

I had the chance to go on a date, even it if is a quasi-date, but, instead I just get lazy and skip that whole part and sleep with this guy. I was completely sober, so at least there is that. But now I know its not a drunk kelly problem, its just a kelly problem. To my surprise, this guy still wants to hang out the next day, so he comes over again and we repeat what we did the night before.

I see him the next day and he hugs me and kisses me on the cheek, in full daylight, in front of other people. This freaks me out and I'm sure I go rigid and prickly. I keep emailing, because in writing I have no trouble flirting and talking about how I feel, but in person I can only seem to mumble one word answers and make minimal eye contact. He stops emailing back.

This is the story of my first sober sex since I've been single. This is also the story of the elusive two-night stand...which I think is more insulting than a one night stand. For the record, I went over a month without seeing this guy around before I slept with him, but now I see him all over the place, thanks law of averages. I feel like there should be a moral to this story, but I'm not sure what it is, if you think of one add it to the comments please.

Saturday, August 2, 2014


Working in Alaska for a hotel that employs around 500 people, you find yourself hanging out with people you otherwise wouldn't.  This is true for most of my travels, and one of my favorite things about living abroad.  However, this seasonal type of work is more of a young person's game.  So, I suddenly have lots of friends who are around 10 years younger than me.  I don't mind, I think I act at least 15 years younger than I am, so on a mental level we are the same.  One night after drinking with a 21 year old we had this heart to heart outside on a picni table.

What is weird is that I even asked this question, and of course I blacked the whole thing out and had to listen to him tell me about it the next day.