People who know me know how I have some hobo idiosyncrasies. When I first moved out on my own I just bought one pot, and I did all my cooking and eating out of that one pot. When traveling I have no qualms about sleeping in my car and I am somewhat of an expert at finding the right places to park so cops and store owners don't get suspicious. When I don't have enough time to do all my workouts I have been known to use a car space in a parking garage to do my workout. I peed under some railroad tracks on the last long run I went on. I think I've pretty much proven my point. But...just in case I haven't, I have a new HoboLow (HoboHigh in my opinion). Within the last 48 hours I pulled a sneaky sleepover at the place where I work. My boss was out of town for a long weekend trip, and my co-worker went on a university visit, so I was left to my own devices. Before everyone thinks I'm totally crazy, let me give a bit of background info. I moved back home with my parents while my mom is going through chemo. My sister is also living at home because we think she has a mental problem, but she refuses to get help and instead just yells at everyone all the time and is, in general, a mean, hateful person. So, it's a bit of a stressful homelife and a big change from living on my own. I commute an hour and a half one way to get to work, which i don't mind so much because that drive and when I run are the only semblance of alone time I have anymore. Still, the drive gets tiring.
This brings us back to me sleeping at work. After I finished the day friday, and locked up the shop, I went for a seven mile run, picked up some beer and a takeaway pizza, and went right back to work, for my very own pizza party sleepover. I watched some of my own tv shows, ate and drank and fell asleep on a couch. It was wonderful. There aren't enough words for how great it was to just spend a night by myself.
I got up the next morning, went for a short run, washed my hair in the bathroom sink and opened up for business again. Now, my boss is pretty cool. We do have a beer every Friday at work, and I want to tell him this story really badly, but I know I need to wait like a couple months...also I need to be sure I don't try to make this a usual thing. Hobo status maintained!