Thursday, September 13, 2012

Crunching Numbers

I started my new job Monday, I walked out on Friday.  I went on my lunch break Friday and I just couldn’t stomach going back into the school.  I found myself standing where I could either walk 50 meters back into the school or hop on the minibus back to the mtr station.  I quickly texted Jenna and asked her what to do, and she was on board with me just running away, just then the number 22 minibus drove up and I got on and didn’t look back.  I texted my boss a quick resignation stating, “Sorry for the short notice, but I will not be returning to Bigfoot Kindergarten. Best of luck.”  He responded about 40 minutes later, “Wow, I’m shocked.  I was just talking so good about u and u could have been excellent in two weeks;(“  I wanted to meet up with some of my friends, but then realized they all still had jobs and were at work so I bought some booze and went were unemployed alcoholics go in the middle of the day, the park.  This led me to do a bit of soul searching.  I have been in HK for 9 months counting September.  In this time I’ve had 4 jobs and slept with 8 people.  Well, as for the jobs, I refuse to be unhappy for a year just because I signed some piece of paper.  And I do have a 100% acceptance rate for jobs I interview for.  In fact, I’ve already found a new job and I start on Monday, so really I should say I’ve had 5 jobs.  As for the sex, I’m sitting at a total number of 9 partners, so the next one is going to send me into double digits, I’m not sure how I feel about this, so I’m taking a month to reflect, welcome to Sanz Sex September.

Since there haven’t been any cartoons in a while here are some greatest hits from my week at job number 4 Bigfoot Kindergarten:

Ian's advice to me after he found out I quit my job

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