Monday, October 8, 2012

Manila Mania

So, this weekend I'm going to Manila to meet up with my good friend Chester, he is half Filipino and is there to visit some family, and I have a long weekend and thought i might as well jet-set down and see him while he's in Asia.  After some crazy hassle with buying my flight online that took about three days to sort out I was finally able to acquire a ticket Friday morning after multiple call to multiple call centers back in America to sort out some banking issues.  I was pretty happy just with that, but also on Friday I went to happy hour drinks with my new work peeps.  I haven't worked a 9-5 since Korea, and now I remember why. . .happy hour is kind of a killer.  So we started drinking at 5:30 I didn't get home until 8:30 the next morning, I really just can't stop.  Really, Kelly, 15 hours of drinking???  Is that really necessary?  Really??!!

These are the notables from the evening; after the first bar I went to my friend Jenna's house because it was right around the corner, i didn't want to stop drinking so she offered me some wine, 30 minutes later I cashed that bottle out all by myself and before I left I performed a song and dance for Jenna and Becks about how they were my two favourite friends and I wanted to just hang out with them, but i had to go meet back up with my work friends. . . asking a co-worker where he is from, he says Kentucky, so my response is I really like Paduka, KY, because that's where my favourite waffle house is. . . because we went out right after work I just wore my work clothes, which is jeans and a polo, but i got hot from all my dancing and thought rolling up my jeans, Huck Finn style was the best solution. . .a guy noticed my crazed dancing and said I was like an energizer bunny and bought me some flashing rabbit ears to wear because of this. . .outside the next bar I ran into an old co-worker, so I had some shots and beers with her and her recent fiance and in true mazletof form when i finished my beer i smashed the bottle into the gutter, much to the surprise of the group of guys standing there. . .then i ended up in a bar with a live band, and quickly became obsessed with the Filipino drummer with dread locks down to his knees (I mean I had just that morning booked my ticket to the country, so might as well get a jump start), to show my affection I creepily stood at the front of the stage, alone at this point because I had lost everyone I was with, staring at him and during all of his drumming solos I air drummed right along with him, not my smoothest move, but it worked because I did end up making out with him in the bunk-bed he shared with his band-mate.  No worries though, sanz sex September lives, maybe because of the bunk-bed situation.

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