Well, I didn't quite make it the full 30 days without booze, I made it to 28, which is 4 weeks, so i don't feel too bad about that. It was Saturday night, and the third friend birthday I was going to have to celebrate without booze. I had had enough, and by had enough I mean I hadn't had ANY (booze) in so long, and it was a birthday, so it wasn't only me suffering, but my friend, basically if i wanted to be a good friend I needed to toast to her birthday!!
I made my decision with just enough time for Becks and I to have a couple pre-drinks before we left to meet the party...innocent enough
This was probably the longest I'd gone without a single drink since i started drinking at 22, my body was not at all prepared for the carnage, neither was LKF. Please note, the birthday girl in blue in the background, priceless!!
This is the best picture I have of the evening, by best I mean the only one where I don't look like a raging drunken asshole.
case and point
Then, we found this palm branch and carried it around with us for the next half hour reenacting a Jesus play.
Oh, no, I didn't go home with him from the bar, we went to an after-after hours bar next, and then I went home with him. He was french, and when I left the next day he gave me his business card, and as I was on the MTR going home I gave it a look, and turns out he is a lingerie advertising manager, only in Hong Kong!!
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