Thursday, March 28, 2013


***UPDATE*** the domino messaged me earlier this week, here is what he sent:
           Hey CRJ (carly rae jepson from the call me maybe card i gave him) its Domino! lol.  How are you?         Been meaning to say sorry I didn't get the chance to catch up with you again in HK but the night I spent with you was by far the most fun I had on my trip!  You knocked me over like a domino ha! Maybe I'll be back next year or let me know if you ever make it to Sydney! xo

ummm, i think he just asked me to move in with him...hmmm, let me think about this.  He actually did call me maybe...well text me maybe, he refered to himself by the nickname I gave him, he made a clever domino pun...yes!!  I will move in with you domino!!!

so, it was the rugby 7s in HK and everyone goes out in costume, superheros, animals you name it they come dressed as it...and I of course go for the sexiest of all costumes...the domino

I only referred to him as domino all night, its only real love if you don't know their name, right?

just asking twice, really can do the trick

I wish my artistic skills were up to drawing how he got out of the domino costume...but honestly that part is kind of a blur

His response to this was that I should to help make visitors feel more at home...good suggestion!

Monday, March 25, 2013

ditched like a bitch

I was considering leaving HK at the end of the school term...after my European adventures this summer.  But is an unfortunate but not all that surprising turn of events it looks like Europe is once again just out of reach.  Jenna is getting married over winter break so Becks decided she couldn't afford the vacation.  This all happened on a Sunday...on Wednesday Becks and I got a letter from our landlord saying we have to be out by the end of April.  The next morning Becks told me her and her boyfriend were going to move in together. Now remember, I wanted to leave around July/August, but apparently even those few more months with me were too much for her to stomach.  Then in true dumb-as-fuck-kelly manner, when she was telling me she was leaving she was upset and said that she felt horrible, but do i stand up for myself...oh, of course not.  Instead, I pat her on the back and tell her is understandable/fine/great to take a shit all over my situation.  I'm glad I can always count on myself to let other people to treat me as shittily as they please and then give them a nice hearty handshake at the end of it...or I am American, so maybe more of an awesome high-five.  Perfect.

I run quite a bit, and when I do my mind wanders, but I often think about how running is a metaphor and I'm always more than happy to run away from situations and people in my life.  Really, that's why I came to HK, to run away from a break up, and now I want to run away again because I'm getting the feeling my friends don't really like me all that much.  I guess what i'm thinking, is do two running aways somehow cancel each other out and then equal a standing firm?  I'm not sure, I need someone to check my math.

Friday, March 22, 2013

date night

So, the French lingerie advertising guy is back in HK for a week.  He got in on Wednesday and we met up that night.  I met him at his hotel, and before you go thinking that I jumped right in bed with him let me say that we met OUTSIDE his hotel.  We meandered around for a while because he let me lead the way and I just keep going straight until someone stops me or i see a donut this case he stopped me.  We popped into a jap place for some sashimi and drinks then we walked back to his hotel and had some drinks in the bar there.  HK is already getting into summer mode and he was not used to the heat, so he went up to his room to change into "something more comfortable" while I ordered drinks.  When he came back down he was wearing a sports tank top and jean shorts!!!  JORTS!!!  hahaha, i didn't even think those still existed...nevertheless would be worn by a French this some sort of European trend I am unaware of?!?  If anyone knows please tell me!!  Because date to me means having drinks before fooling around we of course ended up in his hotel room and...well, fooled around.  I was going down on him and he bent forward and kissed my forehead or the top of my head...again, is this something dudes do?!?  It was all i could do to not bust out laughing wildly and choke on his dick.  Then a little after 1am I said I should probably head home since I had to work the next day and I get up at 6 because I like to get ready leisurely.  His answer to that was to fool around a little more and then, he said, "I guess you should probably get going now." Which seemed a bit abrupt to me, so I got dressed and left.  There was no real goodbye, or "call you" or "see you this weekend" I was very confused.  However, he did text me the next day and invited me over, but I was tired, and now I haven't texted back and its been two days...I'm such an asshole.  Its Rugby 7s weekend here in HK and I must say, I don't want to meet up with him because the idea of fucking a stranger has a little more appeal and him.  He is a good looking guy, he was funny enough, and our conversation was good, the bedroom stuff was nice too...but there are so many out of towners this weekend...what (who) to do.  which may be no one.  I haven't had sex since the pear-shaped guy...and i'm sure you can imagine why, that just leaves me a little sick to my stomach.  The festivities start around only time will tell!

Friday, March 8, 2013

Blackout Brunch

All you can drink brunch turned out to be a huge mistake...who could have guessed?!  7 bottles of Preseco between three people as your first meal of the day didn't turn out so well.  I ended up blacking out before I even paid the bill.  I am told that we left the restaurant around 3pm, and after sneaking away from Beck's boyfriend in a kabab shop (yes, we did go to a kabab shop directly after brunch, get over it) he put us in a cab to go back to our apartment...but oh, no, that would be far too reasonable, instead we had the cab take us to wan chai...on a Sunday the middle of the day...LOW POINT.  Neither of us have any memories of this adventure, we did manage to lose each other and I ended up at home by 8pm and Becks ended up at her boyfriends.  Nothing like waking up at 2am confused as to where your last 12 hours went.  I went through my purse to look for some clues and this is what I found:

a receipt from Mrs. Fields cookies...yeah, I bought 26 cookies
one full can of beer
way more cash than I had when I went to brunch
four dried kernels of corn

Sunday is a mystery that will never be solved.  But I do have this picture!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Funky Fresh February

My challenge for February was to take a shower every day.  I really hate showering and I have been known to shower and then put back on my same clothes because they have already been worn in and are more comfortable to put on than fresh clothes.  When I was back in uni, during my last year I took a lot of sports classes and I've always worked out fairly frequently, so I had a real hard time every talking myself into showering if I was just going to be sweating and working out again in 8-12 hours.  My boyfriend at the time was not impressed by this.  So, I did make it the whole month, showering each and every day, sometimes I would just kind of rinse of my legs without taking off my panties, but that still technically counts as a shower.  Well, ok, I did skip one day, but don't judge me!!  I had a week and a half long vacation for Chinese New Year, and when you are just lounging on a couch all day it is really hard to force yourself to roll off it and drag yourself into the shower, one out of 28 isn't bad, right?