I was considering leaving HK at the end of the school term...after my European adventures this summer. But is an unfortunate but not all that surprising turn of events it looks like Europe is once again just out of reach. Jenna is getting married over winter break so Becks decided she couldn't afford the vacation. This all happened on a Sunday...on Wednesday Becks and I got a letter from our landlord saying we have to be out by the end of April. The next morning Becks told me her and her boyfriend were going to move in together. Now remember, I wanted to leave around July/August, but apparently even those few more months with me were too much for her to stomach. Then in true dumb-as-fuck-kelly manner, when she was telling me she was leaving she was upset and said that she felt horrible, but do i stand up for myself...oh, of course not. Instead, I pat her on the back and tell her is understandable/fine/great to take a shit all over my situation. I'm glad I can always count on myself to let other people to treat me as shittily as they please and then give them a nice hearty handshake at the end of it...or I am American, so maybe more of an awesome high-five. Perfect.
I run quite a bit, and when I do my mind wanders, but I often think about how running is a metaphor and I'm always more than happy to run away from situations and people in my life. Really, that's why I came to HK, to run away from a break up, and now I want to run away again because I'm getting the feeling my friends don't really like me all that much. I guess what i'm thinking, is do two running aways somehow cancel each other out and then equal a standing firm? I'm not sure, I need someone to check my math.