All you can drink brunch turned out to be a huge mistake...who could have guessed?! 7 bottles of Preseco between three people as your first meal of the day didn't turn out so well. I ended up blacking out before I even paid the bill. I am told that we left the restaurant around 3pm, and after sneaking away from Beck's boyfriend in a kabab shop (yes, we did go to a kabab shop directly after brunch, get over it) he put us in a cab to go back to our apartment...but oh, no, that would be far too reasonable, instead we had the cab take us to wan chai...on a Sunday the middle of the day...LOW POINT. Neither of us have any memories of this adventure, we did manage to lose each other and I ended up at home by 8pm and Becks ended up at her boyfriends. Nothing like waking up at 2am confused as to where your last 12 hours went. I went through my purse to look for some clues and this is what I found:
a receipt from Mrs. Fields cookies...yeah, I bought 26 cookies
one full can of beer
way more cash than I had when I went to brunch
four dried kernels of corn
Sunday is a mystery that will never be solved. But I do have this picture!
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