Saturday, October 26, 2013

The Day the Music Died

We had a three day weekend so some of my co-workers and I decided to go camping in Sai Kung on the beach.  Caitlin and I met at 7:30am because its kind of a mission to get there, you have to catch a couple mini buses and then hike in...and we wanted to get some Chinese steamed buns for all the bus rides. We were so excited because it was just such nice weather and we had a long weekend so we were practically running this hike (of course, I mean the downhill parts) and we were there a good three hours before everyone else showed up.  We set up all three tents so that we had an ocean view and a little bit of a rock garden area.

We rewarded ourselves with beers and splashing around in the water for all of our hard work.  Finally Jacob and Matilda and Sarah and Philip arrived, apparently the water was really rough so boats had stopped running.  So we all swam for a while and then when we went back to our tent compound some dicks had set up like 7 tents right in our ocean view.  We made a fuss and they were kind of jerks about it, but we ended up dragging our tents out from behind theirs and back to a sea view.  Jacob built an amazing fire, Caitlin and I started making smores, Jacob was playing his ukulele and we were all singing an joking and having a grand time.  It was super windy and we were getting a lot of sand in our faces...and in our s'mores, but carefree beach fun was in full swing.  SNAP, the **** to mine and Caitlin's tent shattered.  Cailtin and Jacob went back to the rental shop to sort it all out and they took our deposit, but did get us another tent.  While they were gone I used the time to challenge Philip to a push up challenge.  Sarah timed us, and I did 50 in a minute, which I was feeling pretty good about, until Philip did 70...what a dick.  When Caitlin and Jacob got back we all teamworked it into place as quickly as we could with no light and tummies full of beer chocolate and marshmallow.

Anyway, I will only speak for myself, but I think everyone else feels this way too.  I'm at a point in friendship with my co-workers where I'm so in love with it, and just creepily want to hang out with them all the time, and feel no need to have other friends, which led to this situation...

1 comment:

  1. Note to self: Kelly feels secure in our friendship. Time to screw it all up.
