Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Moving Pictures

Some unknown (unremembered) night in Alaska, after hiking and drinking, I stumbled back into my cabin apartment.  I didn't have a roommate for most of my time in Alaska, but during this week I did.  I came into our room and soon after stumbled into our suite-mate's room (our suite-mates were both over 40, and worked at the hairdressers for the resort we all worked at)

I'm the creep leaning up against my neighbour's bed.  Of course, I blacked all this out, but from what I was told, the girl in the bed woke up, and I was just leaning against her bed.  She asked if I was okay, and I said my roommate needed some alone time with her boyfriend (in real life my roommate didn't have a boyfriend, and was alone in the room, so I don't know what my drunk mind made up).  So my suite-mate asked if I needed to stay with them.  I shook my head yes.  Now, remember, these are small temporary housing units.  My suite-mate scooted the the inside edge of her bed and lifted her covers up, signaling me to crawl in.  

They also had a TV, which my roommate and I did not.  So they made a joke about me just making up a reason to come watch TV, to which I responded with laughter and some nonsensical sentence about coming to watch the moving pictures.  Needless to say, when I woke up the next morning I was very confused, but thankful.

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