Sunday, February 7, 2016

Painful Realizations

Went out with friends, the usual combo of two couples plus me. They all headed home before 10. I was ready to go home at that point as well, and we were drinking in my part of town, making drinking alone in my bed particularly appealing. So, that's what I did. This was a Saturday night.

Once home, I continued drinking and was working on another project. I like doing creative things while tipsy, I hope that doesn't mean I lack creativity when sober.

As I'm working (and drinking) my phone starts blowing up. I use the term loosely, no one is that interested in searching me out, they just figure I'm available. They being two different guys I had one night stands with, one being three years ago, the other over a year ago, both of whom live in different countries than my current residency...and each other for that matter. Then a third suitor of the digital variety joined the phone-a-friend party that evening. He was a fairly recent tinder match, who seemed way more interested in talking about meeting up than actually meeting up.

The oldest of the one night stands (oldest as in time since the if I'd bother remembering an age, it hard enough keeping track of names!!) buzzared off after I refused to send some nakie pics, I told him I was drunk and bloated, that did the trick. The other one night stand I skyped with, a simple exchange of possible visits that will never happen, a short and sweet exchange.  The new tinder dude on the scene launched into a convo about slaves and masters...I cannot remember the lead up to this, but I was unimpressed, this convo should only be undertaken after extreme amounts of alcohol, and in a perfect world, after at least a couple dates. I don't think I'm especially old fashioned and needing of romancing, but  I can't imagine any sort of slave/master situation before even meeting the guy, this is correct reasoning, right?

So, long story short, this is dating in your 30s in the post-smart phone world. I will most likely be single forever, time for bed.

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