Sunday, October 25, 2015

Separation of Church and Rape

I was visiting a couple friends, and we were having some midday drinks.  We probably were all feeling a bit tipsy, but we were no where near drunk enough for where the conversation took us.  It started out as a joke, but just kind of spun out of control.  If I explain the whole thing it is going to take too long and get too political.  I'll say how it started though.  These were friends I have from my first post-college job...about 10 years ago.  One of my friends referenced how I used to frequently say, "silence equals consent." There was a rapid downward spiral from there that ended with one of my friends walking out of the spiked ginger beer bar we were in (hippy west coast style).  We eventually tracked the friend down and he was sitting on the stoop of an abandoned church.

The conversation continued in a ridiculous fashion, through no one's fault, it just all got way more heated than it needed to.  Either way, the best part was, when this woman was crossing the street and what she shouted out to us:

Sage words, passerby.  I will keep them with me always.

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