Wednesday, August 26, 2015


A long, long time ago...when I was still young and dumb (this is a joke, I'm still both of those things), and I was in university on spring break, I was driving around with some friends when I got the idea in my head that I could jump out of a moving car and stick the landing.  I'm not a total idiot, I thought I could do it with the car going around 15 mph.  I tried.  I failed...and I cut my hand pretty badly.  Fast-forward to a couple weekends ago, when I was driving around with some friends, and we'd been reminiscing and the old jumping out of a car story came up.  Well, as my loyal readers know, I am not the best about learning my lessons.  

Pass 1:  I jump and stick the landing while this monster of a truck is going 1 mph.  As soon as I realize I did it, I ran to catch up with the truck and jump back in.

Pass 2:  I jump out with the truck going 5 mph.  I don't quite stick the landing, but I do the best forward motion shoulder roll!  I'm not considering becoming a stunt double.  Any ideas for celebs I should approach with my offer?