Friday, January 6, 2012

Swap Germany for Hong Kong

Without sounding too bitter (hopefully) my boyfriend recently jettisoned me. This is after six years, not all great, but pretty good. I was there through his army deployment (hello, red flag! I'm an educated forward thinking woman what was I thinking hooking up with some army dude), through him almost getting kicked out of the army (mind you, you have to be pretty bad for the army to want to kick you out, they take prisoners for god's sake), I left my job in Korea early and broke contract, losing thousands of dollars, so I could get back to America and spend time with him before he got his new duty station. But that was all fine, I loved him and he loved me. . .only not really, i guess.

So, his new duty station was in Germany and the plan was for him to go and me stay in America until after the holidays and then for me to join him. Well, in early December he dis-invited me, among the reasons were my BMI needed to be lower and I needed to have a five year plan. Then in my last ditch effort to smooth things over I got the "I don't love myself so how can I love you." Really?! Thanks for the adult talkie talk bullshit.

Did I mention I had quit my job, mind you, it was a shitty part-time job, but at least I was doing something and making some money, but I had quit in anticipation of Germany and was just living with my parents, and while my parents are really great, that's just not the best scenario for a 28 year old. So after getting the boot I spoke to some of my friends that I had met in Korea and were now teaching in Hong Kong. As luck would have it, they were living in a three bedroom apartment, my two friends and brother brad, not my brother, my friend has a brother named brad also, and brad was moving out after the holidays. Done! My ticket was booked by the next week.


  1. Kermit the Frog should be your ex.

  2. haha, hi ho kermit the frog here. . .well not HERE, hahaha
