Thursday, April 26, 2012

the two drunkest friends that there ever could be

so, i'm hungover/still drunk right now. . .its 12:30pm and i'm at work, i feel crazy. yesterday I ran a workshop at work about better words (yes, its as stupid as it sounds) so my job is mostly phonics because i think they don't trust me with the older students, but the older levels are all writing classes, and one of the course objectives is for the students to use better words, i.e. instead of good use great or wonderful or amazing. so I ran that and two other girls helped me so after work we went out for a drink to celebrate it being over, had a couple beers, then my work friends had to bugger off and i met up with one of my roomies/real friend and we always joke because we are the irresponsible ones, so when we go out without our other roomie/real friend its always a shit show and that's basically what happened last night.  anyway, last night my friend and i just kept drinking and then i woke up with (and by with i mean i woke up on the couch) some german guy and he poured water on me to wake me up, i don't think he was trying to be a dick i think i just wouldn't wake up but i guess either way who cares but thank goodness he lived in the area where i work or else i wouldn't have made it in today.  i think this might not make any sense and i can't even follow my own thoughts, sorry. but yeah so i'm wearing the same clothes from yesterday and i work with all fashionable girls so im feeling gross and slutty today, im going to go buy a new shirt and a sandwhich now.

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