Friday, November 27, 2015


I moved back to Hong Kong in late August.  I got in on a Friday morning, went to meet with my old landlord (since I was moving into the apartment one floor below the apartment I lived in before I left), unpacked and set up my tiny box of a room, took a shower and then headed out to meet some friends for happy hour.  I met them around 6 p.m. It was great seeing everyone again and catching up, however, I blacked out around 8 p.m. Clearly, I waste no time, and of course, I was still out until 3 or 4 a.m.

On Saturday, I woke up and soon after threw up, so I got the christening of my bathroom out of the way.  I spent the bulk of the day lounging and nursing my hangover before I went to meet up with some other friends that evening.  I told them about the night before, and they were very kind in blaming the blackout on jet-lag.  Cheers, I'll drink to that, and I did, and once again I blacked out before 10 p.m.

On Sunday, I woke up. Sprawled across my bed, still fully clothed, lights still on, with some 7/11 food remnants next to me.  Gross.  I like to think I have a thirst for knowledge (and water at this particular moment) so I researched blackouts and how to keep them from happening.  Here is what I found, to avoid blackouts you should eat, hydrate, pace yourself, drink weaker drinks, rest, don't drink in strange places, and avoid dumbness.  Ummm, I have a problem with all of these.

1) Eat--I don't feel like eating after a few drinks, I only think about food when I'm stumbling home drunk and I eat an entire weeks worth of calories before I pass out.  I really wish I was one of those people who would pass out before they ate all the snacks they drunk buy, but I'm very goal oriented.
2) Hydrate--I can't be wasting time hydrating when I'm in an all you can drink situation with a time limit.
3) Pace myself-- See the previous statement
4) Drink weaker drinks--I'm trying to rage, not chill, and I have a heavy hand when I pour drinks.
5) Rest--too busy drinking all the drinks
6) Don't drink in strange places--I did mention I moved back to HK, right?
7) Avoid dumbness--I've been writing this blog for around three years, if this is the first post you are reading, click on any previous one and you will see the tip of my dumbness, at this point I don't think its something I can avoid.  I don't think I search it out, but I do think its part of my personality.

This article went on to say if you have frequent blackouts you could try alcohol abstinence or marijuana maintenance to deal with the problem.  Thanks for the suggestions.

1 comment:

  1. I think we fell over in front of Stormies....ahhh, memories :)
