Monday, October 22, 2012

End Sanz-Sex-September

It couldn't last forever.  I made it to the 6th of October...the first Saturday of the month before I broke my streak.  The guy from the taxi ended up texting me back, so surprising!  So, on Saturday night I went over to his place.  Turns out his name is Jonny and he is a pilot with Cathay Pacific and he is from Auckland, New Zealand...sound familiar??  Well, if you are a loyal reader it would, because over the summer I got with a guy named James who is a pilot with Cathay Pacific and is from Auckland, New Zealand, WTF!!!!????!!  (More specificly this was the guy who's hotel room floor I peed on, and yet, he stayed in touch via text afterwards).  I always thought I didn't really have a type, because I've ended up with all kinds of guys, older, younger, asian, western, mostly drunk, haha, but apparently I have a very specific type.  I like guys who are pilots, but only for Cathay Pacific and are from New Zealand, but only Auckland, and have a name that starts with a J.  If those similarities aren't enough, both of these scenarios ended in similar ways, I drunk text who knows what sort of crazy things and then either get myself blocked or delete the contact because I've embarrassed myself too much to ever talk to the guy again.  Oh, well, there are millions of taxis in HK...

So, now its bread-block-tober and i've given up bread...hence the name, it's been way harder, but only a week left!!

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