Saturday, November 3, 2012

the worst weekend yet...but it was still pretty great (part 2)


I woke up at 4pm, this is highly unlike me, I usually get up very early.  So I got up and this old Swedish guy was there...not the young one.  I didn't want to have sex with him, so I kept pretending to sleep for a while, but then I had to pee.  When I came back to bed he went down on me for so long I felt like I had to have sex with him.  But really he went down on me for so long that I was even bored of it, and it was already early evening, I still wanted to get a run in.  So, whatever we had sex, at least I get a sticker on the map for it...first sex with a Scandinavia, so there's that.  And actually, turns out we had had sex earlier, I only know this because there is no door to my room and Becks got up to go to the bathroom and saw us, so there was really no need for me to be such a prude the next day, by next day i mean later that day, time is so silly!!  So, after sex I got up and quickly showered and then got ready to go run, as i said this guy was older than me, a decade older to be exact, and he was still just laying in bed, I told him I was going to run, but he could keep sleeping if he wanted and he did.  I ran for a little over an hour, got back, did an ab circuit, and then just lied on my living room floor wishing he had left already.  I finally when in and called him lazy and said he needed to get up, he asked if I wanted to take a shower with him and I said I couldn't because I needed to meet Becks at the MTR, so he finally started to get dressed.  I told him I would walk him to the MTR since I was going there to meet Becks, but just then Becks came into the apartment.  Then, he left, and thankfully he was just passing through HK, so there is minimal chance of me running into him again, phew!  Becks and I had to quickly get ready to go back out because we were meeting Jenna's (our old roommate, who is far to responsible to still be living with us) new boyfriend who flew in from South Africa to visit.  We made it out, met up with Jenna and Cody and some other friends had drinks and dinner and watched some rugby...I didn't really watch it but Cody was watching it, I was mostly just standing around drinking and talking shit.  Then, since they are a couple they went home around midnight and Becks and I headed to Al's Diner.  We had no money for drinks and were really just hoping for the best.  We were standing next to this table of older Asian guys and there were two guys and four drinks on the table, so we did some pantomiming questioning the number of drinks compared to the number of people and then they just handed us the extra two beers.  SUCCESS!!  We went to the bathroom and found a half-full drink and poured that into our beer to make some punch (I know, this is kind of a low point, but we were feeling way to sober for this time on a Saturday, tough times, tough decisions, and all that).  Then, we were dancing with a couple of guys, not sexy dancing, just weird dancing where we were acting out all the words, and there was a bit of a lull so we were looking at our empty hands and pretending we had drinks or acting confused that we didn't have a drink in our hands, so one of the guys we were dancing with said, "Yeah, I get you a drink after this song, but now we are dancing!!"  Ok, fair enough.  So, he got us some mixed drinks and Jell-o shots.  By this time I had started making eyes and this guy across the bar who was also being such a fun dancer.  We kept making eyes and then the group he was with got this huge order of Jaeger bombs, and he pulled me over and handed me and Becks one.  So, I was dancing with him and he kept buying drinks, such a gentleman.  Becks met a French guy and was chatting him up by the jukebox.  My guy and all his friends decided they were going to go to Wan Chai and I tagged along, but Becks went home, we still aren't sure why.  So I pile into a cab with all these guys (they are also all wearing Rugby shirts...a little weird).  I don't remember much after this, I know we kept dancing, and I know I made out with the guy I liked, and I know I thought I was going to go home with him, but then the next thing I knew was he put me in a cab alone and sent me home...WTF I HATE GENTLEMEN!!!  But, just jokes, I don't hate this guy, I really like him, not that I remember actually talking to him.

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