Monday, November 5, 2012

the worst weekend yet...but it was still pretty great (part 3)


Becks and I woke up before noon with the best kind of hangover.  We spent at least an hour youtubing all the songs we danced to the night before and dancing around our living room.  Our new favourite is Faith by George Michael, but also on the tops are Drive By by train and Love Shack by B52s.  The bar we were at the night before advertises itself as having the best burger in town, so that got in my head and I couldn't get rid of the thought this morning so we thought we would go back for a nice meal and maybe a few drinks.  We got on the MTR and went out an exit we weren't used to, so we were kind of stumbling over ourselves and other people on the street feeling very confused when Becks said, "Where are we?" there were some guys walking by who answered, "Hong Kong" so we laughed and said yes, we know we live here, which they found hilarious.  They were just visiting and asked us where a market was so we gave the best directions we could.  They asked where we were headed and we told them the bar we went to last night, but for lunch, and they decided to tag along with us.  I'm not sure why, but something about them was really easy to talk to...and we were still drunk from the night before, so we proceeded to tell them all of our slutty stories, all about our love chart of guys we've hooked up with and our map where we get stickers for banging dudes from different countries, with the goal of course being total world domination.  They were really nice and not judgmental, one of the guys was early 40s and the other was early 30s.  I think it's just really rare to meet two girls on the street, end up going to lunch with them and then have them carry the conversation with their sexual exploits, so I like to think we are endearing, in a fucked up kind of way.  I told my taxi story, which led into my paper shoes story, and so I said I had to borrow shoes from a dude because I have big feet by asian standards, the 30ish guy didn't believe me so we traded a flip flop, my foot was only slightly smaller than his.  The night went on and we had finished our burgers and quite a few rounds of beers when Becks suggested some jell-o shots, I mean it was at least 4pm by this time, so not totally uncalled for.  We up the rounds of shots and beers until 11pm when the 30ish guy started laying game and asked me to just give him an hour...what can I say, except I really don't know how to say no, he was from New Zealand after all!!  So we went back to my place.  When we were done he took great interest in the map, which was a little weird, but whatevs.  We didn't have a lot of time because I wanted to get back to Becks, and she had lost her phone the night before, so I had no way to contact her.  We hopped a cab back to LKF, but it stopped off at the central ferry because these guys were staying in Macao, so he left, but was nice enough to give me some money for the cab, which was awesome because about this time I realized I'd lost my wallet.  I get back to the bar and becks is nowhere to be seen.  I ask the owner and he tells me she was sleeping at a table so he had to ask her to leave, and then she walked across the street and slept on the pavement for a while.  I walked out and couldn't see her anywhere, so I got another cab back home.  I didn't have enough money to pay for the cab when I got back so I had to leave my handbag with the driver and run up to get more money.  When I reached my door I saw becks passed out in front of our door (turns our she didn't have her keys), so I unlock it and tell Becks to go in, I quickly grab some cash and run back down to the cab.  When I get back to the door Becks is still sleeping in the hallway, so I have to shake her awake and get her into the apartment.  We were home by 1am, so not totally ridiculous  but, now we have had to impose a rule about drinking on Sundays...we just kind of ruin everything!!!

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